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by Platform Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for  9.0.1 FP3 9.0.1 FP3
Hide details for Install/Setup/ConfigurationInstall/Setup/Configuration
JSTN9NRV8BNotes Browser Plugin fails to launch under trusted sites zone with error message: "Protected mode is turned on in your Web Browser".
Hide details for MailMail
MLEY9GUHT6Fixes performance issue with right-click menu in iNotes Mail. This is a regression in 9.0.
Hide details for ServerServer
JPAI97GPRPFixes Domino Server PANIC: MemFree: object still locked seen on Windows 64 bit.
Hide details for XPD Runtime CoreXPD Runtime Core
WWAG9Q64R6After installing the Russian DST patch for Windows, the calendar month view in the Notes Client shows duplicated days.
Hide details for  9.0.1 FP2 9.0.1 FP2
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
NRBY9JPKFYFixes an intermittent issue where adding a user from Outlook to a meeting series does not add a user to all instances of that...
JSCD9JQPFLFixes issue when a meeting invitation is sent by Outlook and is afterwards updated and then received in Notes, the meeting information update notice...
NRBY9GPNPCSupport new preference to "only auto-process info updates that dont have outstanding reschedules"
NRBY9HKPUTFixes issue where removing a room or resource from a meeting invite does not work.  The room or resource is removed from the meeting invite but the...
NRBY9J7SV3Fixes issue where Servers hit an assert when calendar creates/updates fail
NRBY9HSJE3Fixes issue where a meeting invitee gets a duplicate meeting invite that cannot be accepted, if they are added to a meeting they are already invited...
Hide details for ClientClient
PESA6X6Q3UFixes issue when AD Sync is installed on a Windows 7 workstation, along with a full Notes client and Domino Admininstrator where if Active Directory...
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
YSAI9EQFEZAdded support for IME in quickfind dialog.
ASAO9HL9B6While trying to launch NBP via an OLE app, the Notes home page is launched and then the link provided by OLE app is launched in the next tab with the...
SKAI9G2DPFFixes intermittent Notes Browser Plug-in crash on Internet Explorer when opening names.nsf/local. The crash occurs during bookmark...
MNIA9HC4VJIn the case where a db is not opened , ID's were not assigned properly when a copy as link in About or Using page was done. For that reason copy as...
MNIA9HC54MFixes issue where when pasting "Using This Application" Document Link into iNotes, the clickable link title is a view name.
SKAI9G2EDPFixes databases not opening correctly when opened from Notes Broswer Plugin. As a result, the Notes Browser Plugin is left with a blank tab and or...
Hide details for HotfixHotfix
MLAT9GRJ8EResolves "Error 1931. The Windows Installer service cannot update the system file" when installing a hotfix/Fixpack. Instead of updating the...
Hide details for HTTPHTTP
KLYH9KCR37Addressed the following security bulletin: IBM HTTP Server for Domino CVE-2014-0963 for which Domino 9 updates the bundled version of IBM HTTP Server...


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